For over 30 years Master Plan has been training college students to share their faith and then go talk to people on campus or in town about Jesus. Every year we meet people that are willing to talk, and get to plant many eternal seeds of the Gospel, and get to encourage people to come to Christ. It’s often a little scary, and then after we see God answer prayers, we are so encouraged! Why let college students have all the fun? You’re invited to come all or part of this four-day training and outreach event at Three Trails Ranch from June 30 to July 4, 2022.
Learn more below... |
MorningsThe Ranch will be our base for the weekend. Every morning we will eat breakfast, sing praise to God, get into the Word and dig into some evangelism training led by Master Plan staff. We'll talk about the basic theology of evangelism, learn how to use some tools, and role play evangelistic conversations with one another. Some examples of tools are writing out and memorizing your personal testimony, learning to share the message of the Gospel using Scripture, and other tools that are helpful for meeting new people. Generally we call this the "ministry mode" of evangelism training.
AfternoonsWe'll split up into teams that head into Durango each afternoon for several hours to meet people in the hopes of sharing the best news in the universe with those that are willing to listen. We have several contexts for meeting new people such as offering Bibles and Christian literature, using the Reveal photo cards, and setting up prayer stations. We may try other ideas as well such as playing live music, or setting up an information table. We have done this for many years in Durango's parks, downtown and river areas, and there are always people that are willing to talk and listen.
EveningsWe'll head back to the Ranch for dinner, and share stories of how God moved in hearts. Of course we'll give thanks and pray for those that we ministered to and relax from an exciting afternoon.
We'll also plan to have free time in the evenings to relax by the pond, but will also offer some optional activities such as an evening hike, or group/party games, or maybe set up a faith inspiring movie. We want to make sure that we are stretching our spiritual muscles, but there will a family friendly atmosphere to this event where people will have down time. We intend to be balanced and have fun. |
Who can participate in this?
We have taken our children sharing age 5 through middle school. God does not need perfect evangelists, but is willing to use any compassionate courageous soul that is willing to pray, hand out a bible, or open their mouth to help get the Gospel message into the hearts of people that are still waiting to know Jesus. |
What will the schedule be like?
Daily Schedule (subject to change) 6:30 Coffee and Quiet Time 8:00 Breakfast/Cleanup 9:30 Praise and Worship and Training 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Head Out to Share the Love of Jesus! 6:00 Dinner and Debrief 7:30 Optional Activities 9:00 Bedtime /Free time |
What is the Cost?
The event starts at dinner on Thursday, June 30, and ends after breakfast and clean up on July 4th. If you come for the whole event, the cost is $99. If you come for a smaller portion of time, the cost is $30 per day. We'll have home cooked meals, and everyone may be asked to pitch in for kitchen clean up. One reason the cost is so low is that God provided the funds to purchase the Ranch! It exists for this kind of Great Commission training. |